When you need a robust, thriving turf for your landscape or sports field, tall fescue grass offers flexibility and resilience to meet the demands of nearly every environment. Among the most notable characteristics of tall fescue turf are heat tolerance, drought tolerance, disease resistance, and high-quality RTF grass seed production.
Whether you need golf course grass, football field grass, soccer field grass, fairway grass, or other sports grass, RTF Tall Fescue offers brown patch resistance, improved insect control, and superior growth rates.
For these reasons, it’s among the best choices for any turfgrass application. Turf-type fall fescues include ryegrass fescues, perennial ryegrasses, cool season grasses, and fescue lawns. All these grasses are common for lawns, parks, playgrounds, athletic fields, golf courses, and more.
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As a top choice for golf courses, RTF sod provides excellent performance in all weather conditions. Independent testing has proven it to withstand extreme temperatures, heavy traffic, and a range of soil conditions, making it ideal for hot summer days and cold winter nights.
RTF sod also resists soil-borne diseases like crown gall and black root rot, which can be common problems on many golf courses. When used for golf course turf applications, RTF sod creates a dense turf that is easy to mow and maintain.
RTF sod is a practical choice for football fields as well. It’s tough enough to stand up to the wear and tear of contact with players but soft enough to take the brunt of a physical impact without causing injury. Barenbrug USA RTF sod is the turf of choice when improved turf density and traffic tolerance are needed to reduce injuries and increase player safety.
For soccer fields, RTF sod is an economical option that produces excellent results. It’s easy to maintain and requires minimal watering during dry spells. Its dense roots, stimulated by rhizomes, prevent water from draining away, keeping the playing surface evenly moist throughout the season. In addition, RTF sod offers strong insect tolerance from white grubs, yellow jackets, and other pests.
For fairways, RTF sod is excellent because it proliferates quickly and tolerates various soil types. It’s also resistant to crown gall, which causes yellowing leaves and stunted growth. You can’t go wrong with true rhizomes that grow straight and deep into the ground for an immaculate fairway without clumps of grass.
Regardless of the course rating, RTF sod from Barenbrug will give you the results you’re looking for in turfgrass.
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When you need a reliable, resilient solution for commercial landscaping projects, look no further than RTF sod. With excellent disease resistance, superb color, improved stress tolerance, and exceptional quality, this turf is the perfect choice for almost any project.
Barenbrug USA® RTF Sod offers:
These substantial benefits make RTF sod the most popular choice for commercial projects of all sizes and scopes, including clubhouse grounds, distant fields, or anywhere where aesthetic appearance matters.
Let’s be honest: Water is a precious commodity and one that sometimes comes at a premium for regions and areas prone to drought. If access to water, infrequent irrigations, and drought damage are concerns, then RTF sod may be your best bet. This seed mixes sand and gravel to create a compacted base that drains quickly and minimizes runoff. The result is a dense green turf that doesn’t require frequent irrigation.
Suppose you’ve struggled to grow turf grasses with average drought tolerance. In that case, the deep soil profile and extensive root system of RTF sod will provide superior moisture retention and drainage, even in clay soils or acidic soil that inhibits aggressive root development and growth.
It offers an effective solution for companies and organizations wishing to reduce or minimize their carbon footprint while maintaining a pristine playing field, fairway, or grounds.
Regardless of the turf type you need to support heavy traffic, Barenbrug TurfSaver provides the highest level of traffic tolerance. This patented technology allows the turfgrass to remain healthy and vigorous while supporting the heaviest loads.
While wide varieties of turf grass are available today, some are more durable and adaptable to specific conditions than others. That’s why choosing the most suitable turf for your application is essential.
And when the playing field gets rough, you need turf that can take a beating and still look good. Barenbrug TurfSaver is the answer for sports fields, golf courses, parks, and other high-traffic areas where a beautiful, durable surface is required.
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Whether planting turf for a high school football stadium, a private golf course, or a large outdoor sporting arena, the aesthetic appeal of your turf is essential.
Barenbrug TurfSaver provides excellent color and density while maintaining a natural look. The universal color and growth allow you to create continuity between different areas on your property while still providing the durability and performance required for high-traffic areas.
TurfSaver provides a consistent, high-quality playing surface that will increase the property’s visual appeal while reducing wear and tear.
On average, managing a natural turf field requires 50% more water than using TurfSaver. And with the benefit of requiring less mowing, TurfSaver can save you time and money on your maintenance needs.
And in an era when water conservation is more important than ever, TurfSaver provides an excellent way to reduce water requirements while maintaining an eye-appealing turf.
As a result of divots, aggressive play, or high levels of foot traffic, natural turf fields are subject to wear and tear. Over time, this can lead to costly repairs and renovations that require significant downtime.
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