Welcome to Savage Farms!

Located in Deerfield, MA
Delivering to MA, CT, NY, NH, VT, ME, and RI.


Only Barenbrug Seed has a U.S. patented rhizomatous tall fescue. While RTF has a similar (rhizomatous) growth habit to Kentucky bluegrass, any other Turf Type Tall Fescue is a clump or bunch type grass. And, other Tall Fescue sod contains significantly more Kentucky bluegrass or plastic netting to allow the sod to be harvested. Our RTF Sod grass seed mix contains significantly less Kentucky Bluegrass than our competitors with only 5%!
RTF Tall Fescue performs well in both sunny and moderate shade areas. RTF is also endophyte enhanced, a natural deterrent to surface feeding insects. And, RTF will use up to 25% less supplemental irrigation than a Kentucky Bluegrass lawn!

BlueGrass Fescue Mix

Savage Farms cool season mixes start with the same Kentucky bluegrasses used in our 100% blends. With 10% to 50% elite fine fescue types, our blue/fescue mixes can be used in situations requiring more shade tolerance and low maintenance performance. Blue/fescue would be the choice for slope containment, too.

BlueGrass Blend

Savage Farms 100% Kentucky Bluegrass sod blends contain several elite Kentucky bluegrasses. All sod seed blends are chosen for premier overall performance, and are recommended for use in full sun or lite shade situations. A moderate to high maintenance regime is recommended.


Savage Farms is committed to producing the highest quality sod using the highest quality grass seed and the latest innovations in turf grass research and technological and agronomic practices. Through a professional partnership and license agreement with Barenbrug Seed Company - barusa.com (the second largest family owned grass seed company in the world) and the Turf Producers Association (a national, fraternal group of sod growers dedicated to high standards). It is with honor and pleasure that we offer the following premium brands: HGT Kentucky Bluegrass and RTF Tall Fescue.